Inspired from Sharad Sharma’s four-panel grassroots comics, Grassroots Comics Workshop is an empowerment medium being used by VOICE for generating social awareness. In a four day comics workshop, participants are trained to make 6-Panel comics. By means of these comics they are encouraged to present their views on varied social issues. Once comics are ready, they are photocopied and posted in nearby areas which help in creating debate around an issue.
What makes Grassroots Comics different is the sense of ownership. These comics are created not by artists but common individuals like you and me! Made on A-4 size sheets these comics are very easy to produce. A simple and cost- effective tool, grassroots comics have served as a very powerful communication tool in numerous organizations and grassroots movements.
At VOICE too we use this tool to provide a medium of expression to workshop participants and to bestow them with a tool through which they can raise their voices.