


VOICE has worked extensively in Environment Domain across states! Ranging from organizing Environment campaigns, tree plantation drive it has developed its own innovative solution- Smokeless Chullah in Rajasthan. Environment has been VOICE’s biggest forte’, for every targeted area different ground-breaking interventions are developed in accordance to the geographic and demographical conditions. Few of its interventions are:


  • Biogas plants

    We have our own design of Bio Gas plant which is practical, cost effective and helps in reduction of green house gas emission. Our model has been customized to suit a suburban household or commercial eatery’s need. Through our biogas model we aim to supplement the use of LPG as a cooking fuel. (Put the link of ingenious solutions: Biogas Plant- this will help the reader get an in-depth understanding of VOICE’s model)

  • Smokeless Chulha

    Indoor air pollution is a silent killer! According to WHO data 2 million premature deaths in India are caused due to Indoor Air pollution .We promote use of smokeless chulha’s in urban and rural spaces. The community members are encouraged and trained in building their own smokeless chulha’s.

  • Roof top garden

    The decreasing and depleting green spaces especially in urban areas have led to severe temperature misbalance. Keeping this in view, VOICE came up with the concept of Roof-Top Garden, whereby a small garden is planted at a building’s top. It serves dual purpose, one-reduction in building temperatures and second-increase in greenery irrespective of spatial constraints

  • Tree Plantation Drive

    VOICE in order to develop zeal for environment in people organizes Tree plantation drive. In this drive each individual plants a sapling with their name and takes the accountability of nurturing it. Believing in sustainability, VOICE ensures the nurturing of the planted saplings by visiting the ground at regular intervals

  • Environment Campaigns

    To evoke passion and fervour for environment, we at VOICE organize environment campaigns. A detailed baselining is done in the targeted area to locate reasons for environment pollution before designing the campaign. People are then made aware about the depleting environment and how their day to day activities have contributed towards it. They are encouraged to curb such environment polluting activities and are provided with various measures to do the same.


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